Report on first meeting of the EP Working Group to Oversee Implementation of the AI Act
The European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee and the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee set up a Working Group on the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act (WG) with the purpose of scrutinising the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act.
The WG Co-Chairs are Mr. Brando Benifei (IMCO, S&D) and Mr. Michael McNamara (LIBE, Renew).
The WG first meeting was held on 24 October 2024. MEP Benifei reported back on the proceedings and outcome of the first meeting during the IMCO committee meeting of 18 November.
MEP Benefei recalled first some of the upcoming deadlines for the AI Act regarding key files the WG will be following:
-> Feb 2025: Prohibited AI practices (eg subliminal, deceptive or exploitative techniques)
-> August 2025: Obligations for General Purpose AI Models providers
-> August 2026: Obligations related to high-risk AI systems
With regard to the ongoing consultations on the GPAI Code of Practice or the guidelines on AI prohibited AI practices, MEP Benefei stressed the importance of
1/ leaving enough time for the meaningful participation of all stakeholders
2/ maintain a structured dialogue between the Commission and the European Parliament.