Strategic Priority 3: Consolidating the humanistic governance of AI

As the EU has adopted one of the most comprehensive AI-legislative package in the world, now is time to ensure its effective enforcement. Digihumanism will develop research, advocacy, and advisory activities towards European and national institutions and conduct civic campaigns in order to promote:

  • An inclusive implementation process. Digihumanism will advocate for a participatory process to be put into place regarding the drafting of delegated acts, codes of conduct and guidelines at EU level and supplementary measures at national level.

  • Independent and efficient oversight of AI systems. Digihumanism will call on states to adopt an AI governance framework that ensure both organic and functional independence of competent oversight authorities. Digihumanism will monitor coordination efforts among various enforcement authorities in case of negative impact on fundamental rights, democracy or the rule of law.

    Digihumanism will support these activities by mapping European and national AI governance schemes and report to the European Commission on this matter.

    In order to foster a European digital ecosystem that works for all, aligned with our humanistic values, Digihumanism will also address enforcement at the crossroads of “Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy.”