After Trump’s election, EU Commissioner-designates’ stress the importance of a switch from mere international interoperability to value alignment
If Tech Sovereignty, as a stronger version of StrategicAutonomy, resonates in European circles after Trump's election, it relies on the same grounds: protecting and acting according to our humanistic values.
In its confirmation hearing before the European Parliament, Commissioner-designate Henna Virkkunen (Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy) reiterated several times the humanistic foundation of AI regulation in Europe.
I think in Europe we have a very robust base for all our legislation when it comes, for example, to AI or to the DSA, because it's based on our values and democracy in Europe. So we always want to make sure that all our legislation, when it comes to digitalisation, that these applications are respecting our core values, our fundamental rights, our democracy, our rule‑of‑law principles. And when it also comes to our AI regulation, which is a risk‑based approach.
While Commissioner-designate Virkunen recalled the importance of the transatlantic partnership, she also stressed the need for Europe to achieve Tech sovereignty and for EU law, based on respect for fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law, to be complied with by all.
The USA is our most important trade partner and also partner in security as we know, and I'm very willing to continue good cooperation with the USA (…) But at the same time, of course, our rules apply to everybody who is operating in Europe, who is doing business in Europe, and I think this is very fair also: same rules for everybody. (…) Currently, I know that the Commission is investigating in several proceedings towards these online platforms which are not respecting our rules and regulations. (…) I think this is very fair also, our regulatory framework for online platforms, because it makes sure (…) they are respecting our democracy, our rules, our legislation in Europe, and it's the same for everybody in the world – for the European ones and for those who are outside of Europe. And that is my approach, also, onwards.
Reports about online information manipulation during the US elections and the dangers of a Musk-powered Trump mandate or on empowered Musk after Trump’s election, also echoed in the words of Commissioner-designate Michael McGrath’s (Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law) emphasis on the Democracy Shield.
As President von der Leyen has said, our democracy is a constant work in progress, and over the next 5 years – should you confirm me – I will make this a priority. Central to our approach will be the Democracy Shield – a new integrated framework to bring together all the key elements needed to protect and defend our democracies from foreign information manipulation and interference.
First, working closely with my colleagues, we will need to improve our expertise, preparedness and capacity in countering foreign information manipulation, interference and disinformation, while guaranteeing a reliable information framework.
Second, we must strengthen resilience in our societies, improving awareness of disinformation and media literacy, particularly among younger generations. Media freedom and the safety of journalists are central to a questioning, dynamic and democratic society.
Third, we must ensure integrity of electoral processes and the safety of election candidates. In the face of mounting threats to their security, we need to protect election candidates from undue pressure, particularly women, who are often subjected to abuse, amplified by misogynist stereotypes.