Establishment of the EU AI Act scientific panel of independent AI experts: Digihumanism provides detailed feedback to the European Commission

The European Commission opened a call for feedback on the draft Implementing Regulation regarding the establishment of a scientific panel of independent experts in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Digihumanism congratulates the European Commission for ensuring meaningful public participation on an essential topic for the humanistic governance of AI in Europe. The expertise of the scientific community is key in order to ensure the proper implementation and enforcement of the EU AI Act with regard to AI models and systems which may be a source of risks or cause significant harms to individuals and communities, in particular the most vulnerable ones.

Digihumanism calls on the European Commission to proceed speedily with the effective establishment of the scientific panel, in an open and transparent manner. We also urge the European Commission to take the necessary steps for the creation of Art. 67 AI Act participation Advisory Forum. Meaningful public participation should take place throughout the AI governance lifecycle.

Digihumanism commends the European Commission’s focus on multidisciplinary expertise, including specific emphasis on fundamental rights and equality, as well as diversity, transparency and independence.

It is in the same spirit that we submitted concrete recommendations for changes in the draft Implementing Regulation.

👉 To read Digihumanism’s full submission, please click here.


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